Thursday, March 29, 2007


I would like to thank all my friends who have the same spirit, to live a different life, a life above the level of mediocrity, or going on journey of success, come to support my blog.

Since, I started this blog on Jan, 2007, there are more than 200+ new friends come to visit. They are from different corners of the world. Most of them are from Ontario, Albert, British Columbia, Canada. I am so proud of you guys/gals! Because when we are changed in a better way, we can help our friends and show them an better option in life. I also want to recognize my other friends outside Canada. They are from Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, U.S.A., France, and Spain. I am encouraged when I know we are on the same page, making a difference in your life and others lives.

I will keep you all in my prayers. If you have any prayer request, email them to me.

The Battles For Your Mind

For those who are interested in what Bishop Noel Jones' The Battles For Your Mind, I encourage you to watch the program on Wednesday March 28,2007.[Watch this video] Now! One statement he mentions in the program always reminds me. " I do not respond to circumstances or situation, I respond only to revelation!"

When your soul is strongly influenced by the Spirit, you will have hope, faith, joy, peace, vision. No matter what happens in your environments. Because you live by faith, not by sight. Is that what you are looking for? However, most people are strongly influenced by the body which the world have great influence over it. Let me ask you a question? What would the world give you day to day life? Honest answer! Fear, disappointment, argument, depression, office politics, etc

Now, the decision is yours. Which kind of life are you going to choose? What kind of family are you going build? A family with love, courage, hope, or a family with fear, disappointment, frustration...You always have a choice!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Transform your mind!

Do not be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

[Watch this video] on Tuesday March 27, 2007 program by Benny Hinn and Noel Jones, and you will find the secret of how to live above the level of mediocrity!