The many prophecies fulfilled, revealed part of God's Plan
To unshackle Death's unholy grip, upon the soul of man.
While hanging on that cursed cross, the crowd began to rail
But the Son of God would pay the Cost - and tear in two, the Veil
Once isolating man from God, and why, He sent His Son
To show the riches of His Grace: the Victory had been Won!
The heart of God had planned
The heart of God had planned
The Way, to redeem man's wicked soul
One Death and Resurrection - accomplishing the Goal
Beyond imagination: the Creator left His throne!
To teach His lost and erring "lambs", to worship God alone.
Jesus' precious blood was spilled, full payment for our sin.
Jesus' precious blood was spilled, full payment for our sin.
Its cleansing to my heart applied, when I fully trust in Him.
The free Gift of Life Eternal, clears the Debt against your Soul
Releases you from Ancient Bonds, that so long were in Control.
The Message of the Gospel, is still changing lives today.
The Message of the Gospel, is still changing lives today.
His Touch will clear the weight of sin - You only need to pray.
Precious Baby in the manger, sent so that we might believe
Became our Risen Savior; His free gift you can receive.
God says, "Trust in what you cannot see, for Faith is what you need",The Cross becomes your Bridge to Life, the Savior's Hand will lead.The Bible clearly states as fact that Christ will come again.So be prepared to meet Him; for it's not just "IF", it's "W H E N!".