Tuesday, March 6, 2007

How to think and become successful

How to program your mind to be successful!
1, Verbalizing
Words can build or destory your life. The subconscious accepts the words you use to program yourself. What you must do is to monitor your self-talk and turn self-defeating statements around. The way to do is to program your mind with positive affirmations. Repeat them over and over again until your subconscious accepts them as reality.

2, Feeling and emotion
Emotion is the carrier of creativity. The subconscious responds to feeling and emotions more than anything else. Repetition, by itself, is not as effective without emotion.

3, Visualization
Imagination or visualization is the picturing power of your mind. Your subconscious reponds to pictures and images held on your mental screen. It may be said that your subconscious is the contractor that will build your life. You are the architect, and your imagination is the blueprint!
Whatever you can visualize, you can have. If you can see your desire already accomplished, it will become a self fulfilling prophecy. What you are thinking about and picturing in your mind today, is a clear indication of what you will be experiencing in the future.
Get yourself a scrapbook and call it "My Blueprint of Destiny." In it, put coloured pictures of the things you want, the places you want to go or the things you want to do. Look at the pictures everyday and let them sink deeply into your subconscious. Soon, you will master the technique of visualizaion and, in the process your desire will become reality.

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